Zamjenski Toner za Brother printere, TN2590 XL

TN-2590 XL toner, dizajniran za vaš Brother pisač, nudi jasan crni tekst profesionalne kvalitete.
Toner Brother TN-2590 XL (TN2590 XL) omogućava 3000 stranica ispisa.
Ispisuje do 3000 stranica u skladu s ISO/IEC 19752 standardom.
Visokokvalitetni zamjenski Brother crni toner uložak TN2590 XL:
Zamjenski Brother toner ulošci TN2590 XL rigorozno su testirani za savršen ispis.
Kompatibilan sa Brother printerima navedenim na našoj stranici, toneri TN2590 XL se vrlo jednostavno instaliraju i ispisuju dugotrajne dokumente koji se neće razmazati ili izblijediti tijekom vremena.
Naručite Brother zamjenski toner TN2590 XL još danas.
TN-2590 XL Brother toner
Kapacitet: za 3.000 stranica
Zamjenski toner za Brother printere:
cijena: 39,00 €
Toner možete kupiti u našem webshopu, kliknite na donji link
TN-2590 XL Brother Toner Zamjenski, TN2590 XL
Toner možete kupiti kod nas u trgovini tonera
Lastovska 2a, Zagreb - Savica
(unutar zgrade tržnice, prizemlje - karta/mapa je na dnu stranice)
Toner možete naručiti telefonom: 01/615-1462

Product information
Brother TN-2590 XL - High capacity - black - original - box - toner cartridge - for Brother printers
The Brother TN2590 XL Black Toner Cartridge. Prints up to 3000 pages.
This replacement TN2590 XL black high yield toner cartridge is designed to produce crisp clear print outs, time and time again. Compatible with a range of printers, our easy to install cartridges will help you produce long-lasting documents that won't smudge or fade over time. Brother consider the environmental impact at every stage of your toner cartridge life cycle, reducing waste at landfill. All our hardware and toner cartridges are built to have as little impact on the environment as possible. Brother TN2590 XL laser toner cartridge - worth it every time.
Key Features
- Prints up to 3000 pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752
- High quality Brother black toner cartridge TN2590 XL
- Brother toner cartridges are rigorously tested to print perfectly every time saving you time and money
- Brother's TN2590 XL high yield original laser toner cartridge protects your printer warranty
- Expertly engineered to keep your printer performing at its best
DevicesZamjenski toner za Brother printere:
Brother HL-L2402D toner
Brother HL-L2442DW toner
Brother HL-L2460DN toner
Brother DCP-L2600D toner
Brother DCP-L2622DW toner
Brother DCP-L2640DN toner
Brother DCP-L2802DN toner
Brother DCP-L2802DW toner
Brother DCP-L2862DW toner
Brother MFC-L2922DW toner
Basic Specifications
Manufacturer's Part Number: TN2590XL
Product Type: Toner cartridge
Packaging Type: Box
Product Description: Brother TN-2590 XL - high capacity - black - toner cartridge
Model: Brother TN-2590 XL
Cartridge Yield: High capacity
Printing Colour: Black
Printing Technology: Laser
Yield: Up to 1200 pages ISO/IEC 19752
Consumable Type: Toner cartridge
Printing Technology: Laser
Colour: Black
Included Qty: 1-pack
Cartridge Yield: High capacity
Yield: Up to 3000 pages ISO/IEC 19752